Get clipped!

Hey, friends!

When people talk to me about trying to grow out their hair, one of the first things I ask is “when did you last get your hair cut?”

It may sound counterproductive, but one of the most important parts of growing out your hair is getting regular haircuts. But why?? It just doesn’t make sense.

There’s a myth out there that getting your hair cut regularly makes your hair physically grow faster. That’s just not true. Your scalp can’t tell when it’s getting cut and push out some extra hair to make up for the length that you lost. Even so, there is a reason for these regular cuts.

Over time, no matter what we do, the ends of our hairs split. Take a look at this:


See the hair shaft on the right? The cuticles are starting to raise up and split. Over time, the splits will get worse and worse. It will start to split up the hair shaft, and unless you get your split ends trimmed regularly, the split ends will get out of control. Before you know it, you’ll have a halo of split ends all over your head, and your hair will be brittle, fragile, and lifeless.

Seriously. Just get it trimmed. It’ll look way better.

If you’re growing out your hair, you should wait about 8 weeks in between trims. 5-6 weeks is recommended for those who want to just keep it at a specific length. Your hair grows half and inch per month. So let’s do the math:

Initial hair growth – Length of hair trimmed after 8 weeks = remaining hair length
1 inch                     –                .5 inch                                          =      .5 inch

So you’d still have half of an inch left after a hair cut!
Okay, I’ll admit…it will slow down the growth process, but you’ll be SO grateful you chose to get your hair trimmed. It will make it look MUCH better.


It’s one of my favorite things to do. For real. I always feel so pampered!

Let’s take a look at the before picture, yes?


Look at all those split ends! My hair was so dry and frazzled because I’d just finished my “No Sham” experiment. The baking soda DRIED OUT my hair so badly, despite the amount of conditioning I tried to do. My hair stylist reprimanded me about it (lovingly, of course.) I  should have sought wise council before I embarked upon that journey… Anyway. Check out those HORRID ends at the bottom, and the frizziness and the colorless roots…I was in dreadful shape.

After my wonderful, sweet, TALENTED hair stylist worked her magic, my hair looked like…




Wait. Wait. Let’s get a look at the back, too:


Sleek. Rich color. Shiny. Soft. I make everyone touch my hair right after it’s cut, because it feels so great. I just love it so much.

Just a trim of the ends of your hair can seriously make all the difference.

So be good to your hair. Treat it right, so it can treat you right. Get it clipped!

With Love ❤

P.S.- If you live in my area, I can recommend you a wonderful hairstylist.